This month I had a colonoscopy for the first time. I’d heard
people talk about the pre-procedure cleaning, and how that was the hardest
part. I read online about the drink that you take to empty your bowels, and how
awful it tasted.
So I approached the cleansing day with some trepidation. My
experience? It was easy. The drink tastes a little salty, that’s all, and if
you’re prepared and spend the evening near a bathroom, the cleansing is a minor
inconvenience, even funny if you take the right attitude.
The next day, while we were waiting for the doctor to come
into the room, I told the nurse-anesthesiologist that, in my opinion, the
cleansing experience was minor and that people were whiners. She replied
Afterwards I thought about it this way: modern science has
developed a technology that can reduce the incidence of colon cancer (a very
nasty and painful disease) to almost zero, and our part in the equation is to spend
a few hours going to the toilet every fifteen minutes. But what part do most of
us put our attention on? The small amount of discomfort. We whine about how
much we suffered.
Because of my GLACHH (gratitude, love, acceptance,
compassion, humility, honesty--see blog post) work, I was instead capable of putting my
attention on the amazing gift to my health the colonoscopy represented. I could
feel gratitude.